
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ekte karamellpudding/Flan

Please scroll down for English version

Ovaj desertic verovatno je mnogima od vas poznatiji kao "Flan" ali u zemlji u kojoj trenutno zivim zovu ga upravo ovako. Ekte karamellpuding u prevodu bi znacilo pravi (originalni) karamel puding, a ova poslastica to upravo i jeste.

Potrebno za puding:
2 dl secera
6 dl mleka
3 dl slatke pavlake
1 sipka vanile
8 jaja

Za karamel:
3 kasike secera

Sipati 3 kasike secera u uski kalup za hleb pa ga staviti na ringlu, na srednju temperaturu da se istopi. Odmah protresti kalup da se istopljeni secer razlije po stranicama i dnu kalupa pa ga ostaviti sa strane.
Prokuvati mleko, slatku pavlaku, secer i sipku vanile (raseci je i izdubiti). Skinuti s vatre, odstraniti sipku vanile pa ostaviti da se ohladi.
Zagrejati rernu na 125 stepeni.
Lagano ulupati jaja pa dodati ohladjeno mleko sa slatkom pavlakom i secerom. Lagano izmesati i sipati u kalup na karamelizirani secer koji se, u medjuvremenu, ohladio. Ostaviti smesu da odstoji u kalupu desetak minuta kako bi se puding slegao i nestali eventualni mehurici.
Premestiti kalup sa flanom u dublji pleh pa sipati vodu tako da dodje do polovine kalupa sa flanom. Kuvati 2-3 sata. Nakon 2 sata proveriti donjom stranom vlazne kasike da li je puding kuvan... ako se smesa ne lepi na kasiku to je znak da je gotov. Ostaviti puding da prenoci u kalupu pa ga sutradan istresti na tacnu.
Drzati u frizideru do sluzenja.

I naravno, uzivati u svakom zalogaju :)

English version:

Ingredients for the flan:
2 dl sugar
6 dl milk
3 dl heavy cream
1 vanilla bean
8 eggs

Ingredients for the caramel:
3 tablespoons of sugar

Spread 3 spoons of sugar in the bottom of a small bread pan and place over medium-low heat. Cook until it is melted. Immediately shake and swirl to coat the bottom and sides of the pan with the liquid sugar evenly. Set aside.
In a pot combine milk, heavy cream, sugar and vanilla bean (split the bean lengthwise and scrape the seeds free from both sides of the bean with the edge of the knife) and cook on medium heat until it boils. Remove from the heat, remove vanilla bean and let cool.
Preheat oven to 125 degrees C.
Wisk eggs until foamy. Pour the cooled milk over the egg mixture and wisk gently until well blended. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Let it stay 10 minutes before move to the water bath. After that, set the pan in a larger baking pan and fill the larger pan with water to come halfway up the sides of the baking dish.
Bake for about 2-3 hours. Check after 2 hours with the down side of spoon, first set spoon in the water and gently touch flan. If spoon stay clean, flan is ready. Remove pan from the water bath and let cool overnight.
Run a sharp knife around the edge of the flan to release it. Refrigerate again until serving time.