
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Selska pileca tava/Pan chicken

Please scroll down for English version

Stari makedonski recept, ali za mene potpuno nov nacin pripreme piletine sa povrcem :)

5 pilecih batkova
1 luk
1 veca sargarepa
1 celer
4-5 krompira
2 paradajza
300 ml pilece supe ili vode
1 kasika vegete
sol, biber, suvi persunov list
4 kasike kukuruznog brasna
3-4 kasike vode

Iseckati luk na sitne kockice, sargarepu na kolutove, celer na krupnije kocke. Zagrejati rernu na 200 stepeni.
Na malo ulja proprziti luk pa istresti na dno vatrostalne posude. Batkove posoliti, uvaljati u brasno pa kratko isprziti (da se uhvati korica). Poredjati batkove preko luka, dodati ostalo povrce, zaciniti pa preliti pilecom supom ili vodom (ja obicno skuvam pilecu supicu od kocke). Peci oko 45 minuta u zagrejanoj rerni.
Kukuruzno brasno preliti sa vodom i zamesati gustu smesu. Izvaditi piletinu iz rerne i kasikicom rasporediti kukuruznu smesu po vrhu pa vratiti jos 15-ak minuta u rernu.

Ovo jelo inace se sprema u zemljanoj posudi, ali je moja jako mala pa ga uvek pripremam u vatrostalnoj. Ukus je fantastican i ovako, a mislim da je iz zemljane posude tek pun pogodak :)


English version:
Pan chicken
(recipe adapted from here)

5 chicken drumsticks
1 onion
1 large carrot
1 celery
4-5 potatoes
2 tomato
300 ml chicken broth
Salt, pepper, dry parsley

4 tablespoons cornmeal
3-4 tablespoons water

Cut onion into small cubes, carrot into slices and celery into large cubes.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.
In small heavy pot or skillet heat oil and sauté onion until golden. Place onion on the bottom of the glass baking pan or earthen ware dish.
Salt chicken drumsticks. Then, coat chicken pieces with flour and fry for a few minutes (until crust is golden). Place over the onions, add vegetables, salt, peper, dry parsley and chicken broth and bake for 45 minutes.
Mix cornmeal and water into a thick paste. Remove the chicken from the oven. Using a teaspoon place the cornmeal mixture over the chicken and bake for another 15 minutes.


  1. Kada sam procitala naziv, prvo sam pomislila na selsko meso, takodje makednosko jelo.
    I ovo je jako fino, svidja mi se :)
